The Gracewood Community

Dharug Nation

Gracewood is one of BaptistCare’s most recent seniors living projects located in Kellyville in northwestern Sydney. The project has been completed in four stages commencing in 2012 and finishing in late 2020.

The is built around a stand of remnant Cumberland Plain Woodland which forms the green heart of the place. Gracewood offers a range of living environments to meet the needs of independent living, assisted living and high care in one carefully planned place.

While the architecture has been completed by various firms, Taylor Brammer has been engaged from start to finish enabling the implementation of a consistent landscape approach resulting in a harmonious and peaceful environment across the entire site for residents, staff and families to enjoy.

Residents are encouraged to move through the entire place so that Gracewood functions as a community village with accessible pathways meandering through the woodland linking courtyard spaces with dining and administration and a community vegetable growing garden at its heart.