Illawarra Flame House

Tharawal Nation

Forming the centrepiece of the Solar Decathlon winning entry of 2013 in Datong China, the Illawarra Flame house was conceived in collaboration with Taylor Brammer Landscape Architects and delivered by students of the University of Wollongong.

The project was the winner amongst 34 Universities from around the World. The Illawarra Flame House, a recreation of 1960s suburban home was transformed to achieve net zero energy consumption. Located adjacent to the recently completed Sustainable Buildings Research Centre (SBRC); the House demonstrates the principles embodied in the philosophy of the SBRC.

The landscape design approach by Taylor Brammer was an integral part of Team UOWs core philosophy of inspiring the Australian community to embrace sustainable and retrofitting technology to produce a stylish and contemporary design outcome. The landscape was developed to test sustainable materials and provide an educational resource to the adjoining science facility. The monitoring and information gathered from the solar decathlon house will be used for research in the SBRC building.